View or Edit an Account Contact

You can view or edit an Account Contact’s profile settings and user role from the User Administration page.

To open the Account Contact’s user account, click on the user’s name on the main User Administration page. Deleted users are not listed.

User Permissions

Unlike other user roles, an Account Contact does not have access to the Merchant Interface and is created solely to receive account notification emails. If you would like to grant Merchant Interface access and enable user permissions for an Account Contact, you  need to change his or her user role.


To change the user’s role:

Step 1: Click Edit Permissions.

Step 2: Select the new user role from the User Role drop-down list. The default user permissions associated with the selected user role are automatically listed and enabled.

Step 3: Customize the user account by deselecting the check boxes next to the user permissions that should not be enabled for the user.   

Step 4: Verify your identity by requesting and confirming a PIN.

Step 5: Click Submit to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action.

Step 6: Create a login ID for the new user in the Login ID text field. The login ID must be at least six (6) characters long and contain a combination of letters and numbers.

Step 7: If necessary, edit the user’s First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone Number, Extension and Email Address(es).

Step 8: If necessary, edit the user’s email notification settings by clicking the check boxes to select the email types you would like the user to receive. Email types left deselected will not be sent to the user.

Step 9: Click Submit to continue or click Cancel to cancel the action. A message appears, confirming that the user has been successfully updated.

Step 10: Click Continue to view the user’s updated user account.

User Information

You can update the user’s profile information at any time.


To edit the user’s profile:

Step 1: Enter any updated information for the user’s First Name, Last Name, Title, Phone Number, Extension, or Email Address(es) as necessary.

Step 2: If applicable, click the check boxes to select the email types you would like the user to receive. Email types left deselected will not be sent to the user.

Step 3: Click Submit to update the user’s information or click Cancel to cancel the action.