
Home > Account > Settings > Business Settings > QuickBooks Download Report Settings

QuickBooks® Download Report Settings

This page allows you to configure default settings for downloading charge and refund transaction information for easy integration with QuickBooks and other compatible accounting management systems such as™. You must first configure your default QuickBooks download report settings in order to use any of the QuickBooks download features in the Merchant Interface.

You can change your QuickBooks download report settings at any time.

To configure your QuickBooks download report settings:

Step 1: Configure the QuickBooks accounts through which your charge and refund transactions should be processed. You can use the QuickBooks recommended default accounts or configure accounts to match your unique QuickBooks configuration.

You must configure an account for at least one QuickBooks transaction type.


Transaction Type


QuickBooks Recommended Default Account

Other Suggested Accounts

Sales Receipt/ Cash Sale

Full payment is received at the time the sale is recorded.

Undeposited Funds

Any Current Assets

Any Bank Account


Full payment is not received at the time the sale is recorded or full payment is received in advance.

Account Receivable



A payment made on a customer invoice.

Undeposited Funds

Current Assets

Any Bank Account

Payment Funding

If an account is configured for the Payment transaction type, you must also specify a QuickBooks account to fund payment transactions.

Accounts Receivable


Credit Memo

Records the return of any item or service purchased.

Accounts Receivable



Note: If you choose to change the default QuickBooks recommended accounts for the Sales Receipt/Cash Sale or Payment transaction types, please verify that appropriate customer names already exist in your QuickBooks configuration. If they do not, you need to enter them manually into your QuickBooks Customer Job list before importing transactions or the import will fail. For more information on how to add customer names to your Customer Job List, please refer to your QuickBooks documentation.

To restore the default accounts, click Reset at any time.

Step 2: Enter a Default Customer Name to be used in the event that no customer name information is provided.

Step 3: If desired, you can also choose to use a payment gateway customer name field combination from the Customer Name Mapping drop-down list. Options are: BillToFirstName BillToLastName; BillToLastName, BillToFirstName; BillToLastName BillToFirstName; BillToFirstName; BillToLastName; CustomerID.

Step 4: If desired, enter the QuickBooks Class Name that should be used to categorize your QuickBooks account entries

Step 5: Enter the QuickBooks product and/or service settings you would like to use in the event that itemized information is not submitted with a transaction.

Note: These fields are required for every transaction type except Payment.

Step 6: The Sales tax is applicable check box is selected by default. Click to uncheck this box if you do not charge sales tax for your payment gateway transactions. The rest of the Sales Tax Mapping fields will be disabled. (If you do not charge sales tax, skip to Step 8.)

If you do not configure sales tax in your QuickBooks download report settings, please verify that sales tax is not included in your QuickBooks configuration. Otherwise, QuickBooks will require sales tax information and the import will fail.

Step 7: Enter the tax settings you would like to use as a default in the event that sales tax information is not submitted with a transaction.

To restore default values, click Reset at any time.

Note: These fields are required for every transaction type except Payment.

Step 8: If you charge duty, enter the duty settings that should be used in the event that duty information was not submitted with a transaction.

Note: These settings must be configured when duty information is submitted, or imports to QuickBooks will fail.

Step 9: If you charge freight/shipping, enter the freight/shipping settings that should be used in the event that freight or shipping information is not submitted with a transaction.

Note: These settings must be configured when freight or shipping information is submitted, or imports to QuickBooks will fail.

Click Submit to save your QuickBooks Download Report settings. A confirmation message indicates that your settings have been successfully applied.